My Story
Several years ago, I woke up one morning and realized I just wasn’t happy. I was consistently feeling blah and cranky all the time. There was no event or big trauma that led up to it. I just felt like something was out of whack in my life and I had no idea what it was! I was keeping myself as busy as possible to stay distracted from feeling so lousy. Externally, everything was great. But inside, I just felt empty. I was ashamed and embarrassed to admit that, as comfortable as my life was on paper, I still didn’t feel whole. I eventually came to realize that what was missing in my life was ME and started my journey of self-discovery.
In my journey of rediscovering who I was, I learned Reiki and that was the beginning of my spiritual journey. From there, I was on a mission to learn as much as I could about my energetic health and my inner self and took many classes and studied with some great teachers. Through these experiences, I transformed. I learned to really love and own all the parts of myself (not just the appropriate ones!) My heart opened, I softened up and started to see the world in a very different way. Soon my life felt much fuller and much more balanced. I stopped taking myself so seriously and started having way more fun! Looking back, nothing in my external life changed during my transformation, but I was different and that made all the difference in the world.
Knowing how profoundly powerful energy healing can be in helping us to change and evolve, I really love using what I’ve learned to help my clients and students find more balance and purpose in their lives.